El Hato del Volcán is the populated region of the current corregimiento of Volcán in Chiriqui highlands
Currently in the Highlands is the new community of Volcan, which now it is a corregimiento of the new district of "Tierras Altas", however some decades ago in this area there was no community infrastructure and then the area was known as "El Hato del Volcán".
The Hato de Volcan at that time was an extensive prairie that comprised from Nueva California, the whole area that today is Volcán and extended to the Paso Ancho plains. In "El Hato" you could see large numbers of cattle and horses that ran wild in this wide meadows.
Already for the 60s could be seen mansions and some buildings that to date are still preserved, as it is the park in front of Romero and the same buildings where the Romero Supermarket is located
That is why today we find in some writings that refer to "El Hato del Volcan" to describe the community that was previously Bugabeña.