Did you know that 70% of the population in Panama uses the internet to search for information, services or products?
In TIERRAS ALTAS CHIRIQUI we offer different means for a merchant in Chriqui highlands so you can publish your products or services completely free of charge.
The TIERRAS ALTAS CHIRIQUI Website seeks an updated and reliable information center for residents and visitors of this region, for the purpose of classified advertising publications, Real Estate, Business Directory and its news section.
How does it work?
The first step is to create an account on the website, which is easy and fast, after verifying your account you must log-in to add your Listing (business) in any of these sections:
Business Directory: The Business Directory is where the businesses of the region are listed by categories. There you can place all the details of your business or product, as well as the open hours, location and your contact information, it is currently free and it will being.
Classifieds: The Classified ads section is for advertising so that you can sell new or used products, as well as to do request in general, as long as it is not a business, it is currently free and it will being .
Real Estate: The real estate section lists the properties that are on sale or for rent in the Highlands area and its surroundings, the listings in this section are NOT handled by TIERRAS ALTAS CHIRIQUI, because in TIERRAS ALTAS CHIRIQUI We are NOT agents or promoters of real estate. If you have a property to sells or rent you can publish it in this section. Currently the Real Estate listing is free, however it will eventually be paid.
News Section: If you are not a merchant, you can also contribute to this online information center by adding news or articles of interest to the community and visitors. In TIERRAS ALTAS CHIRIQUI we highlight community work, for this reason we would like to publish articles from organizations or community groups, if you belong to any of these groups and want to publish an article about their work, do not hesitate to write your article or contact us through the form contact.
Do you want more publicity for your business?
Beside the free listings we also offer you the "Premium" option, as well as on-site Banners and Sponsored Articles.
Premium Listings: "Premium" listings have the privilege of appear in the first positions in the category where they are, as well as the results of the search. Additionally, the "Premium" listings will appear on the homepage, while the free listings will be published only in the section that was added.
Banners: We offer banners on the website where their positions have been designed to capture the attention of website visitors, as they have been designed in a friendly way for different devices such as tablets and cell phones.
Sponsored Articles: If a business has a product or service that could be of interest to our readers, in addition to the free listing in the "Business Directory" section, we also offer the "Sponsored Articles" which receive an organic expose and traffic of our news section, in it you can talk in detail about your company, career, operation, etc. Usually the "Sponsored Articles" are accompanied by additional promotions (Contact us about these promotions).
If you have any questions or comments about the advertising products or about the website in general, do not hesitate to contact us through our contact form or our WhatsApp +507 6664-9343