Tips you need to hear before climbing the Baru Volcano if it is your first expedition
The journey of climbing the Baru Volcano is something that many people have in mind, some have had the intention to climb the Volcano for years (without even doing it), while others have done so, and at that moment we give ourselves mind that every advice that the experts and guides gave us are like golden advice.
To understand what I mean I want to talk about the "Can of Tuna" and "Tequila"
Tuna can on an expedition to Volcan Baru
The can of tuna, as well as the energy bars, granolas and chocolate bars are the products that should not be missing in your backpack when climbing the Baru Volcano, due to its high energy content and low weight are highly recommended, and of course do not forget the water.
The journey of walking to the top of Baru Volcano is so spectacular and unpredictable that the minimum weight that you put in your backpack can make the difference if you reach the top or SINAPROC (National System of Civil Protection) has to go half way, although you think it sounds exaggerated to say that the can where the tuna is heavy, this is the first mistake made by the amateurs, they place the tuna in the backpack with the can without knowing that this walk will require each Kilojoule of your body, personally If I go for a single night, I take the tuna out of its can and put it in a plastic bag and carry it that way.
This example of the tuna I mention it so that you see the importance of the weight that you place in their backpack, since something that for you down here in your daily life does not weigh, in a walk to the baru volcano (or in any other walk that requires conditions physical), if it is, and can play havoc with its performance during the expedition.
To finish illustrate the council, let’s talk about the "Bottle of tequila", months ago I climbed to the top of Baru Volcano with some friends and family and one of them (my nephew) who was going for the first time came up with a bottle of tequila, of course, with tequila we can not do what I advised with the tuna, but hey, in theory it sounds great to bring a bottle of tequila to a place where you are probably going to run into a temperature of 0ºC at night or maybe less .
So I did not say anything about the bottle of tequila, when we took the 10% rise and he could not with his briefcase because of the weight, I took some things from his backpack and put it in the mine (including the tequila), less than a hour I could not with my backpack, the same made another friend and took from my backpack a bottles of water and the bottle of tequila for him to take, less than an hour can already guess? my friend’s backpack felt heavy, at that point I silently took the bottle of tequila from his briefcase and put it in my nephew’s backpack (since he was the inventor of carrying the bottle), minutes later you can imagine who could not with the weight of the backpack? yes! that’s right, my nephew who without knowing had the bottle of tequila in his briefcase.
With the above narrative you can understand why it is important not to underestimate the weight of the least that they pack in your briefcase, it is EXTREMELY advised to take account of what you are going to use and consume, in this way you have the right amount to go up and down. Understood already here we leave some important tips to take into account when climbing the Baru Volcano.
(By the way, we gave the bottle of tequila to the guide when we reached the top of the Volcano, with which he descended from the Volcano grateful saying that he would keep it as a souvenir of our "team", after 12 hours and 40 minutes of walking we just wanted to all throw ourselves on the floor to sleep and not know anything else).
Tips to take into account when climbing the top of Baru Volcano
- First of all, have an experienced guide. DO NOT GO ALONE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE AREA
- If you are the person who gets tired walking 2 Kilometers on flat terrain, DO NOT GO, or train hard months before climbing the Volcano
- Take your time to calculate what you are going to pack in your backpack, this point is extremely important. Only take what you are going to consume (you have a list), the goal is to go down with your backpack almost empty with the garbage (packaging, etc) that you produced
- Calculate how much water you are going to consume, you must know your body and make an exact calculation, after that calculation add an additional 20% water (for any eventuality)
- Share your tent with one or two more people, to avoid excess weight-in-group
- Leave early, if you can before sunrise is better
- If you do not know the way DO NOT leave your group or the guide
- Place your cell phone in airplane mode or turn it off during the walk, specifically in areas where there is no coverage.
- If you go in the rainy season, bring a rain cloak
- Avoid carrying very large backpack if you do not have good physical condition
- If you think that the weight of your backpack is going to exhaust you, you can hire an additional guide assistant to carry your backpack
These are some tips to take into account, however the last word is going to have your guide, do not hesitate to ask any questions. Look for experienced guides remember that your life can depend on them !!