Places that you should not miss if you visit Highlands for several days.
In Tierras Altas there are many outdoor activities that you can do to distract and have fun, to get more out of it we suggest a stay of several days. Here are 10 experiences when you visit the Highlands that you should not miss
1- Strawberries with Creams: In Cerro Punta is very common the production of strawberries, a pleasant experience is to try the strawberries with creams and strawberries with wines that you find along the main road from Paso Ancho to Cerro Punta.
2- Guadalupe: In Cerro Punta you will find the community of Guadalupe, which is the commercial point to buy handicrafts, taste typical dishes of the region and also take a good walk to the top of a small hill where you can get a panoramic view of the surroundings.
3- The Macho de Monte Canyon: What you can not miss when visiting the Highlands is to take a dip in the cool waters of the Macho de Monte River
4- The viewpoint of the Volcan Baru Entrance: At the entrance to Baru Volcano there is a viewpoint where you can admire a beautiful plain on one side and on the other side the Baru Volcano and its mountains. It is a spectacular sight that you can not miss if you visit the Chiriqui Highlands.
5- Las Nubes: Las Nubes is an agricultural town in Cerro Punta where you will appreciate fields and idyllic landscapes. This route takes you to the entrance of the La Amistad International Park, at this point you should hire a guide if you want to go into the Park.
6- The Lagunas de Volcan: The volcano lagoons are located in the same town of Volcan
7- The Hot Springs water: The thermal wells of Silla Pando will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in its warm waters rich in minerals from the same veins of the Baru Volcano
8- The Rio Gariche pool: This pool is formed by the eye of water that feeds the Gariché River, in fact this is where the river is born. This semi-natural pool is located in the very center of the town of Volcan.
9- Archaeological Site Barriles: Sitio Barriles is an area located in Volcan, Tierras Altas where archaeological pieces have been discovered dating back to the first native civilizations in this region. There you can admire these pieces with their original engravings, as well as the history told by the guardians of these historical treasures.
10- Visit the different farms that are the area: Many of these farms are agro-tourism and some have the amenities and packages for tourist activities, such as coffee tour, orchids, riding horses, see purebred cattle, hiking and much more.